E-Learning Research papers

The following links contain my research work on various topics of interest in E-Learning.

(1) Challenges in Online Learning

There are many issues and challenges associated with delivering a course online via the internet. These include development and revision of the course prior to being online, teaching the course once it goes live, quality control of online vs. on-campus courses, efficient time-utilization by faculty and students when online, encouraging interaction among students and faculty online, and methods and procedures for teaching an online course. In my view a lot of research has been done in this area, and the conclusion everywhere is the same. Though traditional classrooms will never be replaced, eLearning is the way of the future. Online education is a powerful mode of instruction, in spite of its drawbacks and challenges. There is no one way to beat the challenges of online learning. However it is the responsibility of all those involved - the instructors, course administrators, course designers, technical support team and the students, to adapt to this new style of learning and let the best features of online education shine through.

(2) Effects of Learning Styles in Online Education


There are many different Learning Style models and indicators that are used in online learning, to determine the nature and attitudes of learners, and to adjust course design and delivery according to personality types. Some of the popular learning style models are Kolb Learning Style Inventory, Myer Briggs Personality Test, VARK Learning Style Indicators, Dunn & Dunn Learning Styles and Felder-Silverman Learning Styles. The existence of many learning style models is a boon and a bane by itself. Each model has a unique point of view, and takes different aspects of the learner into account. However, the absence of one comprehensive model makes the results of one study incompatible with another hence hindering the progress of research in this area. The focus of e-learning content developers should be to create one unifying course which addresses all different learning styles. However the practical feasibility of such a course design is still under question. Another point to note is that the effect of learning styles among adult learners in a corporate setting has not been under major research. It is my belief that learning styles under the corporate setting maybe different from those experienced by undergraduate/graduate degree students. Hence studying the learning styles of the corporate e-learners might give us new insights and models on learning styles.

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(3) Evaluating Online Programs

Evaluation is one of key elements of a successful distance education program. We can either evaluate the overall success of the program, or a specific component to make changes. In this paper, I have looked at the evaluation of online programs from three different perspectives. From the eyes of an online course administrator who is responsible for the successful and smooth operation of the online course, the human resource job recruiter who has to evaluate an online degree to see if the graduates can be recruited and finally the student itself who has to evaluate an online course with great scrutiny before deciding to enroll.

(4) Team Projects in Online Education

Evaluation is one of key elements of a successful distance education program. We can either evaluate the overall success of the program, or a specific component to make changes. In this paper, I have looked at the evaluation of online programs from three different perspectives. From the eyes of an online course administrator who is responsible for the successful and smooth operation of the online course, the human resource job recruiter who has to evaluate an online degree to see if the graduates can be recruited and finally the student itself who has to evaluate an online course with great scrutiny before deciding to enroll.

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